Dearest Mum,
As I’m growing up, you have sheltered, nurtured & protected me with all the love in you. You gave me your unconditional love, endless tears (and nagging, hehe!), guidance and advice on life. No one can cook my favourite food better than you!
When I’m sad & down, you are sadder than me & when I’m happy, you are happy FOR me. You have been by my side holding my hands as I learnt how to walk, fell & got on my knees again.
You gave & gave all that you have to me & never expected any returns from me. You are everything to me, my mother, teacher, counsellor, doctor, my shopping partner…. The list is endless like your love to me.
As I’m growing up, you have sheltered, nurtured & protected me with all the love in you. You gave me your unconditional love, endless tears (and nagging, hehe!), guidance and advice on life. No one can cook my favourite food better than you!
When I’m sad & down, you are sadder than me & when I’m happy, you are happy FOR me. You have been by my side holding my hands as I learnt how to walk, fell & got on my knees again.
You gave & gave all that you have to me & never expected any returns from me. You are everything to me, my mother, teacher, counsellor, doctor, my shopping partner…. The list is endless like your love to me.

Mum, thank you for everything. You have given me the best childhood I could ever have & guided me to be what I am today. Your love has made me feel I’m the luckiest child in the world.
I cherished all the special moments that we have shared together & will continue to cherish my everyday life with you.
Happy Mother’s Day! I love YOU!