Thursday, July 21, 2011

Unusual interview questions


Today I conducted an interview. One of the question asked to the candidate was:

Tell me, what do you see on the image up there?

If you are the candidate, what would be your answer?

I will share with you various interesting & unusual interview questions presented to the interview candidates to gauge their personalities in the upcoming posts.

Saturday, April 09, 2011

The fire breathing dragon!

Have you encountered a fire breathing dragon amongst us human?

A human dragon huffs & puffs when bottled up with anger & frustration. Some have a longer light fuse while some very short fuse. Some explode like the M16 machine gun while some may be a walking time bomb.

Not all are bad dragons. Made friend with a few dragons recently. They aren't really bad tempered dragons when you have the chance to know them better. They just need to vent out the frustration inside them & they feel better after that. Main reason they gave me is that they have no one to talk to about a bad day at the end of the day.

One dragon particularly admitted that when she was staying with her sister's family, she felt better after playing with her little nieces & nephews. Laughing & playing with the children made her anger vapourised & her calm down. Now that her sister's family has moved to another country, she lives alone with no pets. She doesn't have anyone to cheer her up on a bad day.

Never underestimate the power of laughter! Just a simple sincere smile to a person may transform an angry dragon to a happy one.

Remember your smile is priceless.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Is the Glass Half Empty or Half Full?

The cafeteria at my work place holds the award for cooking the most unhygienic, greasy, lumpy & salty food I could ever find!

Imagine overnight balance chicken from the chicken rice stall being deep fried & resold the next day.

Imagine finding a nut bolt among your meehoon goreng (fried rice noodle)!

Imagine finding baby snail, caterpillar & bits of sand in your leafy vegetables!

Imagine getting upset tummy *ahem* more like severe purging after eating their sambal belacan...

Therefore, I would rather walk in the fastest stride my 2 chubby legs could managed for 10 minutes under the scorching hot sun to reach the nearest edible food court, huffing & panting for air. Spend between 10 to 15 minutes eating lunch before hurrying back to the office again in the next 10 minutes.

Fyi, my lunch break is only half an hour.

If one is wiling to go through this vigorous walk everyday just to have a decent lunch, how good can the food at the cafeteria be, right?

To pacify my dissatisfaction over the super short lunches, I took it as a way to have my daily 20 minutes exercise. Otherwise, I would just end up sitting in front of the computer from 9am to 5pm & being a couch potato at home in the evenings & on the weekends.

At least I won't be killed by a hidden nut bolt in my meehoon goreng.