Have you ever experience the burning sensation and pressure in your lower abdomen from holding back the urge to relief yourself? How long can you hold back your golden shower during demanding situations? 10 minutes? 30 minutes? 1 hour?
For those with weak bladder, it can be the most torturous moment. Urinary tract infection (UTI) is a common infection which may result from frequently holding back your trips to the water closet (WC). Symptoms of a UTI usually begin suddenly and include:
a) Frequent, irritating or burning urination
b) Persistent urge to urinate even after the bladder has been emptied
c) Cramping or pressure in the lower abdomen
d) Cloudy urine (or urine accompanied with blood) with a strong or unusual smell
Nature calls may be ignored unconsciously or on purpose. Some hold back from relieving themselves to wait for the TV interval during their favourite shows or while traveling long distance or just too engrossed in their work for WC time. It is really your call whether you want to answer Mother Nature immediately or not. However, what happens when the ball is not on your side of the court? What happens when Mother Nature is knocking very hard on your bladder but you can’t answer her call?
This evening, most city dwellers in Klang Valley found themselves caught in a massive traffic jam. The traffic is literally crawling at snail pace after a round of rain. A journey home from work which usually takes no more than 20 minutes stretches out to 2 hours. I believe many travelers in cars or public transport found themselves in this torturous predicament. If you are one of them, it would be a good idea to find the nearest public toilet for your golden shower. Who knows how long the journey home will take tonight?
hope you managed to find a loo nearby and wasnt in too much discomfort.
Ironically, the nearest loo was just 5 minutes walk away, which was my house on the opposite side of the main road. So near, yet so far.
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