Have you ever encounter a termite attack before? It’s something to be taken seriously.
Termites or commonly known as white ants are no ordinary ants. You’ll be surprise if I tell you that termites are more closely related to cockroaches and grasshoppers. Though these little white insects are only the size of watermelon seeds, their bites are painful and lasting. Their destruction: ENORMOUS!
Not only I’d been attacked by them before, I’d lost a few boxes of books to their endless appetite. Once you see their presence in your house, your nightmare begins. Never endless counter attacks of destroying their nests along the wooden panels, tapping along door frames to check for hollow sounds to find out their campsites and straining your ears to listen to crackling sounds made by them from chewing onto your doors. Nothing is safe from these pests. You would be wondering if they are chewing on your roof while you are sleeping at night.
Just keep praying that your favourite furniture, books and important documents will be spared until:
a) your pest control agent arrives, or
b) you find a new place to stay
Either way is going to burn a hole in your pocket. It’s either you go or the termites. I'm glad option (b) is available to me.
I sympathize with those who own such houses that have become the food source of these pests, right at the bottom of the termite’s food cycle. You will never get rid off them unless you can find & neutralize their queen. Otherwise, she will keep on creating thousands of new little drones everyday to ensure her survival and continue building her kingdom. You will never be free from the termites’ invasion.
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